I've decided the only way I can figure out to relate to this virus is to write about it, and, with all this time trapped at home, let the relating begin. I think I'd like to begin with the idea of the virus as a mirror. It has been reflecting so many things back to me. Mirror, mirror: 1) Anxiety - I was talking with a friend about this. The last few days have felt very familiar and almost eerily calm in my own head. I think this is because there is already so much anxiety in the world...this feels relatively normal, albeit a new kind of anxious. 2) Selfishness - This has shown me how easily I can get focused on myself when I feel threatened or upset. 3) The Fear is its own virus - I have watched myself be fully taken in by fear. I felt my throat close from anxiety. I have forgotten that I actually don't trust politicians to save me, or to comfort me, or to be there for me when no one else is. There are other No one has control. So, that uncertainty and fear is p...